Megaman Star Force 2 - Zerker x Ninja & Zerker x Saurian
Megaman Star Force 2: Puts Battle Network 3 to shame, or still lacking one way or another?
After a year of waiting, Capcom finally released Mega Man Star Force 2. I really enjoyed the first game so I decided to pick this up and see if it could match the first game in overall fun.
GRAPHICS: The graphics in the game recycles some of the elements in the Mega Man Battle Network series and is identical to the first. The graphics in the "real world" are mediocre at best while the in-battle graphics are 3D and somewhat blocky.
SOUND: The music in this game isn't the greatest and becomes repetitive fast. You basically hear the same thing during battle excluding the boss fights. However, the "real world" music has different tunes for each different place you visit.
STORY: After two months since the battle with the FM-ians and Andromeda, Geo Stelar gets an upgrade for his Transer, called the Star Carrier which is used to materialize mobile waves. Geo and his friends decide to go to the movies and thus our story begins. Like all Mega Man Battle Network games it's up to Mega Man to beat some baddies and save the earth from doom, nothing new here.
GAMEPLAY: In my opinion the best part of this game. Depending on what version you are playing you can start as Thunder Zerker, Wood Ninja, or Fire Saurian. You can then use Double Tribe with the help of you brothers and then Triple Tribe to the ultimate form: Tribe King. Like the first game this game uses the brother system. To get brothers you simply input another person's friend code in a spot on Wi-Fi and connect. Brothers also increase your Link Power and let you use you their favorites. Link Power is important in this game because the more Link Power you can the more upgrades you can equip to Mega Man.
You can also transform to Rogue Mega Man if you lack brothers and have all the Indie Fragments equipped. This game also has lets you use Wave Command Codes. These codes let you get items, cards, power ups, auto forms, and upgrade bosses to their ultimate form for a more challenging battle.The battle system is the same as the first game. You play on a 3x6 grid and can only move left and right. However, you get a shield to block most attacks. In order to inflect damage to the enemy you either use your Mega Buster or Cards from you deck. You can also battle people from different parts of the globe and you can even battle you brothers.
REPLAYABLE: The story itself isn't that long and can be completed in under 20 hours. The replay time can be spent by collecting all the icons on the title screen, finishing all side quests, collecting all HP memories and Wi-Fi battling.
OVERALL: If you're looking for a game filled with Mega Busting action or just want a great RPG for your collection then this is the game for you. Overall, If you liked the first game or even the Battle Network series give this one a shot.
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